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Neural Network Activation Function

Unlocking the Power of Activation Functions in Neural Networks

What are Activation Functions?

Activation functions are mathematical functions that introduce non-linearity into artificial neural networks. They process the weighted sum of inputs and produce an output signal that determines whether a neuron fires or not. By adding non-linearity, activation functions enable neural networks to learn complex relationships and solve real-world problems.

Understanding How Activation Functions Work

Activation functions receive an input value and apply a specific mathematical operation to it. The output of this operation is then passed on to the next layer of neurons. Different activation functions have varying shapes and properties, each suited to different types of neural network applications. Some common activation functions include:

Linear Activation Function


Sigmoid Activation Function

1 / (1 + e^(-x))

Tanh Activation Function

(e^x - e^(-x)) / (e^x + e^(-x))

ReLU Activation Function

max(0, x)


Activation functions are crucial components of neural networks, providing non-linearity and allowing the network to learn complex patterns. By understanding the different types of activation functions and their properties, developers can fine-tune neural networks for specific tasks and achieve improved performance. From simple linear functions to more complex non-linear functions, activation functions play a vital role in unlocking the power of artificial intelligence.
